Press Release – Taking Advantage of Brexit

The Collective Marketing Agency has issued an upbeat message regarding the future of the manufacturing sector in Dorset, amidst the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and the comments made recently by the Chancellor Sajid Javid.

The Collective, which works extensively within the engineering and manufacturing sector, believes that most small to medium manufacturing businesses will be able to adapt to whatever changes Brexit brings and use the advantages to their benefit. Simon Harrison, Marketing Director for The Collective, comments:

“Whilst acknowledging there will be some initial uncertainty, we are confident the sector will quickly adapt to a changing environment. In Britain we are incredibly resilient and this resilience will show through in how we tackle the challenges Brexit introduces.”    

This confidence is borne out from some of the work The Collective has been involved in within the last 18 months. Whilst supporting key engineering businesses across Dorset such as Aish Technologies, Norco, Field International, PRF Composites and AGI, the company has experienced some of the world-leading technologies Dorset companies are pioneering, that will ensure a bright future for the sector. Simon comments:

We have produced videos and animations, and been involved in other marketing initiatives, that demonstrate Dorset businesses are at the forefront of developing technology, particularly within key market sectors such as Aerospace, Defence and Composite manufacturing. Some of these products have been developed against this backdrop of uncertainty and yet the businesses are still focused on the future, which is brilliant to see and be involved in.”

Alongside its complete in-house video production capability, The Collective specialises in offering a full marketing support service to manufacturing companies, including social media, website design and build, digital marketing and marketing strategy. The company was established nearly 6 years ago by Simon, Managing Director James Howes and Commercial Director Zoe Howes, who all had significant experience working in the industrial sector before establishing The Collective in 2014. James echo’s the sentiment that the future for Dorset manufacturing is bright and also recognizes there are opportunities for companies to seize the initiative:

“I am constantly amazed by the expertise and strength of companies we work with. We all know Brexit has taken a long time to happen, but now it is within touching distance, manufacturing companies can use this milestone to reflect on whether their marketing is producing the results they need it to. And if it isn’t, what can be done to rectify that.”  

The Collective, located on the Nuffield Industrial Estate in Poole, is ideally placed to serve the local manufacturing sector. In addition, the company operates a Satellite office in Birmingham.

If we can help you take advantage of Brexit please contact us on

Want more sales? You need video

Want more sales? You need video

2020 is the year of the video! Admittedly 2019 was also the year of the video, and 2018 and 2017 to be fair, however, this year, more than ever, you need video in your marketing.

Time flies by for us all, and in this hectic, and sometimes chaotic, world we would all prefer to watch a 2-minute video rather than read a 10-minute article.

If you are not utilising video in your marketing strategy, here are 5 reasons to dig out your camera:

1.  Video is brilliant in email marketing campaigns.

The challenge with email marketing is getting people to open the original email and then click through to the content! Having the word ‘’video’ in the subject line actually increases open rates and decreases unsubscribes.

Click-through rates can surge by as much as 300%, when you feature a video, purely because most of us would rather watch something than read it. Do you have a new product to show? Video is perfect. Are you including a client testimonial? Anybody can write something but having your client on video say great things about you directly into a prospect’s inbox? Invaluable.

2.  Video increases conversion rates

Making a video is an investment, and like all investments, you need to see a return.

A video on a website landing page will increase conversion rates by 75%. Watching a compelling well-made video will influence buyer behaviour, potentially converting a visitor into a prospective client. How about using a tutorial video to advise customers on using your products or services? You can also direct them to your website, giving you an extra opportunity to up-sell or re-sell to them.

3.   Video builds credibility and trust

We all need to build trust with our brand, and video allows you to connect on a near one to one level with the audience. The more videos you have to inform and educate your customers the more you build on that trust. Plus, and this is a big issue for 2020, personalisation of your marketing is a key factor. Producing a video that is personalised to your potential new client is a guaranteed way to get their attention.

4.  Ramp up your social media engagement

Did you know over 90% of mobile video watchers share videos on social media? Video marketing is growing not just in importance but also in scope – you are literally only limited by your imagination. And if you don’t fancy having a go yourself, you can get someone else to create it for you!

How about trying some simple “How To” videos based on your business and see what happens!

5.  Search Engines LOVE video!!

Google et al are searching for content that engages viewers and encourages longer page views… and video does that in bucketful’s! Add that together with the fact YouTube is the second largest search engine (after Google) you have a marriage made in heaven.

Always put your videos on as many platforms as possible (YouTube, directories, Vimeo etc) and link them back to your website. Then sit back and watch the analytics.

We love producing videos and have been doing it for a while now. Give us a call if you need any help or just fancy chatting all-things video!

If you would like a conversation please contact us on

Why Video??

Why Video??

Video is still viewed as a relative newcomer to a company’s marketing toolbox; however, 2018 has seen an enormous leap in the use AND importance of video with an estimated 60% of companies using video content in their marketing strategies.

Now, marry this to 80% of marketers believing video is an important part of their strategy, you have to ask yourself, why?

The simple answer is – it works.

And here is why….

Video has become the preferred way of consuming content online, with 79% of people watching videos every week… and mostly on mobiles. That’s 500 million hours watched on YouTube EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Video Boosts Conversions & Salesfor instance, putting a product video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%. That’s not a typo, we’ve had clients that have seen results like this.

Video has a fantastic return on investment; you can measure the statistics easily and continue to use the content again and again.

Video builds trust with your buyers; which must be the ultimate goal of content marketing? Video engages and produces emotions like no other form of marketing.

Googles loves and adores videovideo keeps visitors on your website longer…longer time spent means search engines are alerted to good content meaning you’ll rank higher! Yippee video can really help your SEO.

Video Marketing can explain anything and everything; Launching a product or service? Want to tell the story of your company? 98% of users watch an explainer video to learn more about service or products. It’s the next best thing to seeing it in real life.

Getting video right can be tricky – read our recent article with 6 simple tips for creating better videos or contact us to have a chat about your next project.