Simon Harrison
2 min read –
Lockdown is continuing and no one really knows how long for. But in this brave new world, as business owners quite rightly worry about employees and turnover, one of the positive things we have been gifted with is time. Time is a precious commodity which is usually in short supply and we need to spend it wisely.
With many of our clients, one of the biggest obstacles to making things happen is their time. We will almost always need a level of commitment from them, whether it’s for a website project, a new company video or some technical support on new content.
Like many agencies, our business model focusses on helping our clients to grow – if they grow we succeed, which reflects positively on us – so in theory it’s a win-win for both parties.
Be careful what you wish for
At the moment, there are many businesses cutting back on key activities as they come to terms with furloughing and reduced demand. That I guess is the price to pay for wishing for more time. And in their case, it seems the old adage is true…be careful what you wish for!
However, for companies that are in a position to take stock, revisit their long-term strategy and perhaps have cash in the bank, now is a fabulous opportunity to use some time to get ahead of their competition. Life WILL return to some kind of norm, and you need to be ready… but your chance is now.
We have had prospects we have been in discussions with for literally years say to us in the last few weeks, ok, let’s get this going, as they have realised there is an opportunity to capitalise on.
Nothing to pay
If you want a new website, or need to revisit your content, or it’s time for you to jump on the video steamroller, why not get in touch. All our projects start with a discussion, so there’s no commitment and nothing to pay.
Like many others, we’re uncertain about the months to follow. But confidence in the future is what will get many businesses through. And to have confidence you need a plan and that most precious of commodities – time.
If you’d like to talk to us about your changing marketing requirements, please get in touch simon@thecollectivegroup.co.uk or telephone 01202 682322